Having dealt with thousands of gentlemen, he’s come to understand the needs of business owners, attorneys, bankers and doctors and the demands put upon them. Over the past 27 years Hans has worked in direct sales in men’s clothing. He worked in broadcasting business for two years. Hans attended Southern Illinois University of Carbondale, where he earned a BA Degree in Broadcast Management and minor in business. The characters just do a straight pose, no animation or anything, and then they just kinda become one with the boat.Born and raised in Illinois. The other one happens on the boat, when the Boss is startled by how much the Row changed. 2 Cutscene bugs, one happens when the skateboard "running" is in your patch, i woke up from a coma with a skateboard in my hands, Carlos had one too lmao. Im not sure but i think i read somewhere that the outfits are collectibles (The new logos work fine !) (Maybe im confusing vannila clothes with the modded ones, since im not aware of every single clothing item in SR2) There are supossed to be 100+ new clothing items, and 61 new outfits tho this feature seems not to be working completely, in my previous playthrough i found some new clothes in the mall stores, but i cannot say that there were 100+ of them.

Eye colors not working - even the vanilla eye colors arent working, it just says "Unavalibe" instead ofthe "eye color" option. List of problems i encountered( i only played for one hour so there might me more). It mostly works, the game runs smooth as butter, it fixes the driving and the Flash on cocaine running speed, i just wish the customization part would work as well as the performance one. My cousin was gifted with a gaming laptot this christmas, so i decided i would introduce him to my favorite game Saints Row 2, naturally i downloaded the GOTR mod for better performance and more customization options, i created my custom patch and dropped it into the game installation folder.